Laying the groundwork for a couple new series

So I just got back from vacation at Cape Cod, which turned out completely different from what I’d expected.  When I left, I said that I’d probably just write like I usually do, except in a different place.  Instead, I took a break from my WIPs long enough to catch a new vision for my… Continue reading Laying the groundwork for a couple new series

Slogging along

So I’m working part time now, making ends meet as I get ready to finish up the year and go abroad for a while.  This time, I’m only doing about 20-30 hours per week, so it’s much easier to balance writing with everything.  Minecraft is still a distraction, but I think I’m finding a good… Continue reading Slogging along

New title and writing update

Just a quick update before I go to bed. After much deliberation, I decided to go with Desert Stars as a title.  Thanks, Megan, for suggesting it.  It’s a little short, and doesn’t exactly wow me, but I’ll try it out and see if I grow into it.  The most important thing anyway is what… Continue reading New title and writing update

Looking for alpha readers and planning the next project

Worlds Away from Home 2.1 is going along well.  I had a hard time switching from Bringing Stella Home back to this other project, but I’ve got some good momentum going and assuming no major interruptions, should be able to do about 3k words a day for the rest of the week. Then again, if… Continue reading Looking for alpha readers and planning the next project

Racing along

Ugh, why do I always stay up until 2am?  And then I don’t get up until ten.  Man, I need a job–either that, or more self discipline. Just a quick post before I hit the sack.  I’m making excellent progress with the revision of Mercenary Savior, regularly hitting between 7k and 8k per day.  Most… Continue reading Racing along

New projects and other stuff

So I started the sequel to Mercenary Savior today; I figure I can take a couple months off to finish the rough draft, then leave it in the trunk until the first one sells. The working title of this one is Into the Nebulous Deep, which captures the main premise quite nicely (though let me… Continue reading New projects and other stuff

In search of a title

Okay, it’s REALLY bugging me that I don’t have a good title for my next novel. I’ve been thinking, though, and here are a few of the ones I’ve come up with: Chasing Home Exile’s End Worlds Away Worlds Apart from Home Where I Am Fallen Fallen from Home Fallen in the Wilderness I’m not… Continue reading In search of a title