2020-01-10 Newsletter Author’s Note

This author’s note originally appeared in the January 10th edition of my email newsletter. To sign up for my newsletter, click here. So right after we got home from the holidays, Mrs. Vasicek had her ultrasound, and we found out that we’re having a baby girl! We are super excited! She looks really healthy so… Continue reading 2020-01-10 Newsletter Author’s Note

BSH blog tour and other random updates

Just a few things to get out of the way before returning to other things: I’ve started the blog tour for Bringing Stella Home, and the first post was on my friend Kindal’s blog; you can find it here.  He asked me to blog about music and writing, so I shared some of my thoughts… Continue reading BSH blog tour and other random updates

Looking for alpha readers and planning the next project

Worlds Away from Home 2.1 is going along well.  I had a hard time switching from Bringing Stella Home back to this other project, but I’ve got some good momentum going and assuming no major interruptions, should be able to do about 3k words a day for the rest of the week. Then again, if… Continue reading Looking for alpha readers and planning the next project

Semester endgame

Seven days!  Seven days! And then the semester is over!  Hallelujah! Unfortunately, in the course of those seven days, I’ve got three major papers to write. It’s going to suck. But then it’s over! Thank goodness.  This semester has been pretty crazy–not in terms of work, but in terms of motivation.  A lot of the… Continue reading Semester endgame