Resolutions and such for 2014

Yes, I know this post is a couple of days late.  Yesterday I was busy publishing Star Wanderers: Deliverance (Part VIII), though, and the day before that I was on the train, and today I had to renew my vehicle registration … enough!  On to the resolutions. 1. Publish something every 6 weeks. One thing… Continue reading Resolutions and such for 2014

New projects and other stuff

So I started the sequel to Mercenary Savior today; I figure I can take a couple months off to finish the rough draft, then leave it in the trunk until the first one sells. The working title of this one is Into the Nebulous Deep, which captures the main premise quite nicely (though let me… Continue reading New projects and other stuff

What did you do with your summer?

This is the question I’m kind of worried people will ask me (or I’ll ask myself) when fall rolls around.  It’s looking more and more like I won’t be going to New York for the internship, so that begs the question–what else are you going to do?  Are you going to be productive and do… Continue reading What did you do with your summer?