Good things are happening!

It’s been a while since I posted a general update here on the blog, and while I’ve been sharing regular updates to my mailing list, enough has been happening that I suppose I should let all the rest of you know what’s going on. First, I decided to pull out a bunch of investment money… Continue reading Good things are happening!

Finishing up Gunslinger to Earth

I’m finishing up right now with the third and final book in the Gunslingers Trilogy, Gunslinger to Earth. Just one more chapter to wrap everything up, then all the final revisions for the last few chapters. So far, so good. At 40k words, this is turning out to be one of my shorter novels. I’m… Continue reading Finishing up Gunslinger to Earth

Reconsidering my newsletter

One of my writer friends made an interesting comment the other day. We were talking about email newsletters, and he pointed out that Jordan Peterson’s 5th rule, “don’t let your children do anything that makes you dislike them,” also applies to newsletter subscribers. Obviously, I don’t think that my newsletter subscribers are my children. But… Continue reading Reconsidering my newsletter

Unpublishing the Star Wanderers omnibus editions

After some deliberation, I’ve decided to unpublish the two omnibus bundles for my Star Wanderers series: The Jeremiah Chronicles and Tales of the Far Outworlds. In place of the omnibus editions, I plan to release Star Wanderers: The Complete Series on all platforms. Currently, it’s only available on Kobo. Eventually, I’ll put it out in… Continue reading Unpublishing the Star Wanderers omnibus editions

June Update

Greetings, humans! I am alive. I’m actually doing quite well right now. Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes, and it all seems to be coming together quite nicely. First, Victors in Liberty is now up for preorder, with a release date of July 22nd. This means that the Sons of the Starfarers series… Continue reading June Update

Mid-May update

Holy cow, it’s been forever since I’ve written a proper update. For a while there, it seemed to be nothing but more of the same. Then I got caught up with all the other things that come along with writing and publishing, and the blog sort of fell by the wayside. Don’t worry, I’m still… Continue reading Mid-May update

Coming right along

I’m making good progress on The Sword Keeper, but I keep having to push it back to help a friend remodel his basement. His wife is having a baby in a couple of weeks, and he needs to get things finished before his mother-in-law comes over. There have been a ton of setbacks and delays, mostly… Continue reading Coming right along

Okay, back to work

Well, the Blogging from A to Z challenge was fun, but now that it’s May it’s time to switch gears and focus on other things. I’ve got about a bazillion projects going on, so it’s definitely going to be a full month! Here’s what I hope to accomplish: Writing Finish the first draft of Strangers… Continue reading Okay, back to work