
I have a confession to make…I bought minecraft a week ago, and I’ve been playing it almost non-stop ever since.  It is such a fun, addicting game! The goal is…well, there is no goal, and that’s kind of the point.  You start out in this vast open wilderness full of resources, and you gather them… Continue reading Minecraft!

Some awesome blogs you should follow

So a bunch of blogs I follow have been doing this blogfest called “Pay it Forward,” organzied by Alex J. Cavanaugh. The idea is to bring attention to some well deserving yet lesser known blogs, and that’s something I’m all for supporting. The rules are simple: list, describe and link to three blogs that you… Continue reading Some awesome blogs you should follow

Coming along nicely

First things first: the latest post for the Bringing Stella Home blog tour is up over at Michael Offut’s blog; you can find it here.  Michael asked me to blog about Brandon Sanderson’s English 318R class, so I recapped some of my experiences, including the best advice Brandon ever gave me.  Go check it out!… Continue reading Coming along nicely

BSH blog tour and other random updates

Just a few things to get out of the way before returning to other things: I’ve started the blog tour for Bringing Stella Home, and the first post was on my friend Kindal’s blog; you can find it here.  He asked me to blog about music and writing, so I shared some of my thoughts… Continue reading BSH blog tour and other random updates

“Who would have thought…”

I would like to address this post to my fellow Mormon readers. A couple of days ago, I got a discouraging message from some old mission friends of mine.  It said, more or less: “who would have thought that the missionary that taught us the gospel would write such a lurid book?” They were referring… Continue reading “Who would have thought…”

“What was your purpose in writing this?”

Yesterday I heard back from one of my first readers for Star Wanderers, and the feedback she gave me was awesome.  You know you’ve got a good first reader when their comments make you go “aha!” and you find yourself with a host of new ideas for the story. Anyway, at one point, she asked… Continue reading “What was your purpose in writing this?”

Plans for Edenfall

I’m trying something a little different with Edenfall: I’m writing the first draft entirely in longhand. I first got the idea a couple of years ago, when I was camping in Moab.  The beautiful landscape of southern Utah made me realize that I wanted to write Edenfall while experiencing that sort of connection with nature, and pen and paper seemed to… Continue reading Plans for Edenfall

Paradise Seekers by Nathan Major

Haven–a land where no one knows who they are, where they’re from, or how they got there.  A place where everyone has a different recurring dream every night, which gradually grows in intensity until it drives them to madness.  A place where everyone has only a short amount of time to find Paradise, before they… Continue reading Paradise Seekers by Nathan Major

Am I a jerk?

Today, a longtime writing friend told me that she wants nothing to do with me, which made me very sad.  I hope she will reconsider, and if she does, I’d gladly welcome her back as my friend.  However, because it’s come to my attention that some of my other friends feel that I come across… Continue reading Am I a jerk?

Worldcon 2011: Saturday

Alright, I should just write this up and finish my convention report before life sweeps me away completely. Saturday was the main day of the con.  To be honest, I forgot all the panels I went to, except this really awesome one by a guy at NASA on near Earth objects (NEOs).  Holyfreakingcow there are… Continue reading Worldcon 2011: Saturday