The end of an era

Today was my last writing meeting as Quark writing vp. :'( It’s been a good run, two years as leader of the Quark Writing Group at BYU. I remember how it was when I started–I was still just a hobby writer, with a nebulous interest in getting published someday but without any real goals or… Continue reading The end of an era

Many Bothans died to bring you this weekend

This past week was pretty crazy.  Tests, papers, homework…BLEARGH.  Less than satisfying.  What’s more, I was starting to get cabin fever from being in Provo so long.  Every day, doing the same old thing, going the same old places, seeing the same old sights… …Then I got a call from my friend Ben Fisher, saying… Continue reading Many Bothans died to bring you this weekend

…and they all lived evily ever after.

Today we had a quark writing group party, and it was lots of fun! We all went up to drek‘s new house, up in Draper, and read some of our really old, really bad first attempts at writing stories. Good times! Drek, Nick, lexish, slipperyjim, jakeson, gamila, aneeka, and one of my friends from the… Continue reading …and they all lived evily ever after.