The Obligatory Christmas Post

Just a quick post, because I figure I shouldn’t let Christmas go by this year without at least mentioning it in some way. I’m not much of a Christmas person, and I think I get that from my Mom.  I still remember the year when she suggested we stop doing presents altogether.  That didn’t pass,… Continue reading The Obligatory Christmas Post

Thanksgiving report from Texas

So for Thanksgiving this year, I drove down with my sister and brother in law to have Thanksgiving in Houston with my other sister’s family.  It’s Friday night, and I’m about to hit the sack to get prepped for the long 24+ hour drive back to Utah, but let me say, this vacation has been… Continue reading Thanksgiving report from Texas

New projects and other stuff

So I started the sequel to Mercenary Savior today; I figure I can take a couple months off to finish the rough draft, then leave it in the trunk until the first one sells. The working title of this one is Into the Nebulous Deep, which captures the main premise quite nicely (though let me… Continue reading New projects and other stuff

I’m still here!

Man, it’s been forever since I’ve posted something.  I’d blog more often, but I think you guys would get bored pretty quick if all I did was tell you how the writing went each day.  Don’t be fooled; the writing process isn’t NEARLY as interesting as the stuff we write (unless you’re writing amateur fanfic…just… Continue reading I’m still here!

Yay for work!

So I found a job today, which should keep me in the black until November and help me save up enough money for World Fantasy 2010. The job is at a warehouse for a locally based costuming company.  It only runs through October, but that’s perfect because the training for the wilderness job starts the… Continue reading Yay for work!

Travel writing + Gemmell + Sanderson signing = awesome

Today was an awesome day, which is weird considering everything that happened.  Woke up at 4:45 am to catch an early morning flight back to Utah, took public transport back to Provo, and ran around on errands until attending the midnight Way of Kings signing at the BYU Bookstore. Yet it was awesome.  Why? First,… Continue reading Travel writing + Gemmell + Sanderson signing = awesome

Why am I so #$%! unproductive?

I don’t know why, but it’s a lot harder for me to write the first draft of something than it is to revise it.  Finishing my last novel was much, much harder than any of the projects before it, and my productivity is still suffering because of it. The root problem, I suppose, is procrastination.… Continue reading Why am I so #$%! unproductive?

Update on things

Revised the first chapter of Mercenary Savior today.  I will probably revise it a couple more times before this draft is finished, but at least I’ve done it once. For some reason, most of my alpha readers didn’t give me too many comments to work with.  I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or… Continue reading Update on things

Am I an “emerging adult”?

I read a fascinating article in the New York Times today about “emerging adulthood”– basically, the modern trend of twenty-somethings (such as myself) who aren’t growing up and settling down. Says the article: It’s happening all over, in all sorts of families, not just young people moving back home but also young people taking longer… Continue reading Am I an “emerging adult”?

Almost at four

I’ve got half a dozen things I could blog about, but it’s 2 am and cleaning checks are tomorrow, so I think I’m going to give a quick update and go to bed. Worlds Away from Home is doing quite well–I’m only two chapters and five scenes from the end.  I’d push really hard to… Continue reading Almost at four