No more word counts and other paradigm shifts

This August, it will be five years since I decided to start writing on a professional level.  A lot of things have changed since then, and in some ways they’re changing even faster now. For example, in May 2009 I started a spreadsheet to keep track of my daily word counts.  I’ve been keeping it… Continue reading No more word counts and other paradigm shifts

Random late night thoughts

I’ve been going on a lot of late night walks lately, just wandering restlessly around Provo.  Tonight I had some interesting thoughts about how much I’ve changed in the last year.  Surprisingly, I’ve grown a lot. Last  year at this time, I was all geared up for World Fantasy Convention.  I had just finished Bringing… Continue reading Random late night thoughts

Where were you on 9/11/01?

Tuesday Sept 11th, 2001 Day of the Terrorist Attacks on the WTC and Pentagon Today has been an incredible day. In describing the events that happened today, one of the teachers said that “the world has changed significantly from what it used to be.” There’s no doubt that that’s true. It’s so strange, I’m still… Continue reading Where were you on 9/11/01?

Update on things

Revised the first chapter of Mercenary Savior today.  I will probably revise it a couple more times before this draft is finished, but at least I’ve done it once. For some reason, most of my alpha readers didn’t give me too many comments to work with.  I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or… Continue reading Update on things