Why I am not afraid of the Noise part II

A recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled “Cherish the Book Publishers–You’ll Miss Them When They’re Gone” has ignited a firestorm across the indie publishing community.  The post’s basic argument is that the ease of self publishing and the end of New York as the gatekeepers of quality will make it harder for readers… Continue reading Why I am not afraid of the Noise part II

Where were you on 9/11/01?

Tuesday Sept 11th, 2001 Day of the Terrorist Attacks on the WTC and Pentagon Today has been an incredible day. In describing the events that happened today, one of the teachers said that “the world has changed significantly from what it used to be.” There’s no doubt that that’s true. It’s so strange, I’m still… Continue reading Where were you on 9/11/01?

Living in a state of limbo

Graduation was today.  I’ve got another year left, but a lot of my friends are moving on.  I took my last exam of the semester on Monday, and my contract at the FLSR ends Saturday morning at 10 am. And I have no idea where I’ll be living for the summer. There’s a chance I… Continue reading Living in a state of limbo

Slugging it out and summer plans

Ok, last week I wrote almost nothing on this blog, and last night I wrote a quick post before going to bed that didn’t really explain much.  I just got done reading one of Dave Farland’s kick-in-the-pants series of email newsletters and it said, basically, to post every day if you have a blog (unless… Continue reading Slugging it out and summer plans