Why I don’t like George R.R. Martin

I was thinking today about George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones and the fact that I’ve more or less given up on the series after reading the first book.  A lot of my friends are rabid-at-the-mouth crazy about it, both the books and the TV miniseries, but I’m just not all that into it.… Continue reading Why I don’t like George R.R. Martin

The Legend of Deathwalker by David Gemmell

I’m not even going to try to write a synopsis of this story.  It’s just like all the other books in the Drenai series, which is why I love it so much.  Basically, this one gives the story behind the rise of Ulric, khan of the Nadir, and the origin of the Nadir people.  Interestingly… Continue reading The Legend of Deathwalker by David Gemmell

Trope Tuesday: Fridge Logic, Fridge Horror, and Fridge Brilliance

You know that moment after the end of the show, when the credits are rolling and the glory of that crowning moment of awesome is just beginning to fade?  When you go to the fridge to get something to eat, and all of a sudden that gaping plot hole or internal consistency problem with the… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Fridge Logic, Fridge Horror, and Fridge Brilliance

The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend by David Gemmell

Before Dros Delnoch, before Skeln Pass, before the Legend there was a seventeen year old woodsman and his young bride Rowena.  They lived a happy, simple life until slavers attacked their village and carried her away. But Druss would stop at nothing to save her.  With the demon-cursed blade Snaga, he crossed oceans and continents,… Continue reading The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend by David Gemmell

Slow, but still making progress

Sorry for neglecting the blog this week.  I took a temp job to earn some cash, and that’s been sucking up most of my time lately.  Fortunately, it should be over sometime next week. In the meantime, I found a place to live for the next few months.  I’m in the basement of an old… Continue reading Slow, but still making progress

Trope Tuesday: A Man is Not a Virgin

I’m back from vacation, but I’m going to take a break from the Hero’s Journey trope posts to talk about something that I really feel passionate about.  I hope you’ll forgive me if this turns into a rant, but I think this is an important issue that has some very dangerous implications that need to… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: A Man is Not a Virgin

When men cry, or in defense of damaged characters

I recently read an amazing blog post by Shannon Hale titled “Why boys don’t read girls (sometimes).” In it, she makes a number of excellent points about how our society stigmatizes boys who read “girlie books,” and why that’s harmful. Perhaps the most moving part of the post was at the end, where she described… Continue reading When men cry, or in defense of damaged characters

Trope Tuesday: Chaotic Neutral

If you’ve ever read a space adventure with smugglers and pirates, or a sword & sorcery with rogue thieves and master-less swordsmen, or a western with gritty outlaws and mountain men, you know this character alignment.  If you’re a fan of any of these genres, chances are you love him, too. The Chaotic Neutral‘s one consistent… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Chaotic Neutral

Trope Tuesday: Big Damn Heroes

You know the drill.  The clock is ticking down to zero, the evil hordes are swarming through the gates, the virgins are about to be sacrificed and the damsel in distress is about to be lost forever–and then the  heroes show up in all their glory to save the day. This happens all the freaking… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Big Damn Heroes

Trope Tuesday: New Year Has Come

Just like a story, every year has a beginning and an end.  For this reason, New Years has become a time to celebrate change, renewal, and the setting of impossible goals which we will all probably break by March.  Over time, this tradition has become so ingrained in our culture that it’s only natural for… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: New Year Has Come