WIP Excerpt: Captive of the Falconstar, Chapter 5 (AI generated)

I’ve been experimenting a lot with AI-assisted writing, and I think I’m starting to produce some decently good work with it. Of course, in six months I’ll probably look back on what I’m producing now and feel utterly embarrassed by how bad it is, but still, it’s measurably better than the stuff I was producing… Continue reading WIP Excerpt: Captive of the Falconstar, Chapter 5 (AI generated)

Writing and Publishing Plans moving forward

Over the past few months, I’ve been spending a lot of time experimenting with AI writing and finding ways to incorporate it into my writing process. The goal so far has been twofold: I’ve accomplished both of those things, but I can’t hit them consistently without burning out. Writing with AI has proven key to… Continue reading Writing and Publishing Plans moving forward

Why Nick Cave is wrong about human creativity and generative AI

First of all, I don’t think that Nick Cave is entirely wrong. Laying aside how ChatGPT is just one of the many LLMs that are publicly available, and that using it as a stand-in for all of generative AI is like saying “AOL Online” when you mean “the internet,” he does make a fair point… Continue reading Why Nick Cave is wrong about human creativity and generative AI

How Not To Write An AI-Assisted Novel

The worst way to write a novel with generative AI is to make the AI do all the work. In fact, thinking of it in terms of “how much of the work can I get the AI to do?” is pretty much guaranteed to give you a really crappy book by the end of it.… Continue reading How Not To Write An AI-Assisted Novel

…it sure has been quiet around here

So I was looking back at my stats, and I couldn’t help but notice that (not counting yesterday’s post) it’s been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog. What happened? I could give all the normal excuses: time flying by, kids taking up the time, etc etc… but that would all be… Continue reading …it sure has been quiet around here

“Quantum Worlds” cover reveal

Behold! This is the first story I wrote with ChatGPT, about… a struggling science fiction magazine editor who decides to embrace AI instead of fighting against it, and revolutionizes everything. So of course, it makes sense that the cover would be patterned after Clarkesworld’s iconic covers, since I basically wrote it in response to them… Continue reading “Quantum Worlds” cover reveal

Back from Coeur d’Alene

It occurs to me that most of my posts in the past month have either been extremely doom-and-gloom, or they’ve been excerpts from some of my most recent work. This probably gives the impression that I’m huddled in a corner somewhere, black-pilled and traumatized, and seeking some sort of an escape through my writing, when… Continue reading Back from Coeur d’Alene

Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel

The Riches of Xulthar is now complete! I’m sending it out to my editor this afternoon, and if all goes well, it will be available in all formats by the end of September. In the meantime, I have decided to post the entire thing chapter by chapter on my blog. I’ll be posting the final,… Continue reading Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel

The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!

It only took about a month, but it would have been much faster if I’d used Story Engine. Honestly, I probably could have generated the text in a week if I’d used that tool, or perhaps even an afternoon. Instead, I outlined the project myself, wrote the first couple of paragraphs for each individual scene,… Continue reading The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!