Looking for a life experience

This week, I got hit by some good news and some bad news. The good news was that I got a short term seasonal job, delivering phone books.  That should keep me solvent for the rest of the month, at least until I can find something slightly more permanent. The bad news?  I heard back… Continue reading Looking for a life experience

Slogging through a funk

Just a quick update, since it’s 3 am and I’m kind of in a daze after playing Halo: Reach on Xbox live with my roommate.  Whoa, decompressing… This whole week, I’ve been in a weird funk.  It sucks to be unemployed, especially since I can’t commit to anything long term because I’m waiting to hear… Continue reading Slogging through a funk

Thanksgiving report from Texas

So for Thanksgiving this year, I drove down with my sister and brother in law to have Thanksgiving in Houston with my other sister’s family.  It’s Friday night, and I’m about to hit the sack to get prepped for the long 24+ hour drive back to Utah, but let me say, this vacation has been… Continue reading Thanksgiving report from Texas

Juggling projects isn’t a good antidote to procrastination

Yeah, the title basically says it all.  I’m working on Genesis Earth 5.0 and Into the Nebulous Deep 1.0, and while I’m doing really well in the one, I’m not keeping up so much in the other. First, Genesis Earth. Since I finished the previous draft more than a year ago, I thought I’d find… Continue reading Juggling projects isn’t a good antidote to procrastination

World Fantasy 2010: Day 2

Wow, what a tiring day.  I feel drained, mentally and physically, and I didn’t even spend all that much time at the parties tonight. I got started a bit early, prowling around the book-swap table, where I was rewarded with some books that look really good.  If you know what you’re doing, you can totally… Continue reading World Fantasy 2010: Day 2

End in sight

Things are winding down for my current work in progress, Worlds Away from Home–or should I say winding up, since I’m just a chapter or two from the major climax?  In any case, by the end of the week, inshallah, the rough draft will be finished. <crosses fingers> It’s been tough, but I’m cautiously optimistic… Continue reading End in sight

If it kills me

I will finish this novel if it kills me. At the rate things are going, it just might. Things are kind of tough for me right now.  I desperately need a new job–the one I’ve got is slowly sucking away my soul without even paying enough to get by–and job rejections are way worse than… Continue reading If it kills me

Slogging through to the bitter happy ending

Oh man.  I was hoping to hit 5k words today, and even though I must have spent five or six hours writing, I only managed half of that.  It’s progress, I know, but it’s not as much progress as I’d like; the words just aren’t coming, no matter what I do.  Blarg. The worst part… Continue reading Slogging through to the bitter happy ending

The wilderness is calling me…

…and I’m kind of hesitant to answer. Four years ago, my sister went through Wilderness Quest, a wilderness therapy organization based in Monticello, Utah.  At the end of the program, I went down with my whole family for family therapy.  The experience was incredible–intense, emotional, and very life changing for all of us. Fast forward… Continue reading The wilderness is calling me…

Space Pirates of CONduit

So this weekend I went to CONduit up in Salt Lake city.  It was a great experience! Lots of fun, lots of friends, and lots of excellent panels on writing. The usual crowd was there: Dan Wells, Brandon Sanderson, L. E. Modessitt, Bob Defendi, Dan Willis, Paul Genesse, Julie Wright, John Brown, Larry Corriea, James… Continue reading Space Pirates of CONduit