Cover art for COMRADES IN HOPE!

Hey guys, guess what? The cover art for Comrades in Hope (Sons of the Starfarers: Book II) is finished! Here it is:

SSF-II (cover)Pretty sweet, eh? Kalen O’Donnell did this one as well. I just got the final draft back from my editor, so with luck the ebook version should be out this weekend.

I’m definitely excited to publish this book! It was a blast to write and I think you guys are really going to enjoy it. It follows Aaron Deltana as he joins the Outworld Resistance as a drop-ship pilot, boarding and capturing enemy capital ships with a platoon of rebel guerrillas. There’s a bunch of new characters in there too, including an old family friend, and the mystery girl from the first book plays into things as well. Where the first book was more about setting up the characters and the world-building, though, this one dives right into the action, with lots of space battles and desperate firefights. The war for the Outworlds is on!

If you’d like to be notified when this book comes out, feel free to sign up for my email newsletter if you haven’t already. I only send out emails when I have a new book out, so you don’t have to worry about spam or anything like that (unless you think I have new releases too often, lol!). Or you can just keep watching this blog. I’ll be sure to post the links on the sidebar, and I’ll probably do a post about it too.

That’s just about all for now. I’m finishing up the first draft of Strangers in Flight (Sons of the Starfarers: Book III) in the next day or two, so after that I’ll dive into publishing mode and put out Comrades in Hope as soon as I can. Be sure to look out for it!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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