Juggling projects isn’t a good antidote to procrastination

Yeah, the title basically says it all.  I’m working on Genesis Earth 5.0 and Into the Nebulous Deep 1.0, and while I’m doing really well in the one, I’m not keeping up so much in the other. First, Genesis Earth. Since I finished the previous draft more than a year ago, I thought I’d find… Continue reading Juggling projects isn’t a good antidote to procrastination

Dog dead workdays and killing your characters

This post is going to be super quick because I’m dead tired. Due to power surges and computer glitches, I had to work overtime today and yesterday at the warehouse, so I really haven’t had time for anything except writing and a little socializing at Leading Edge.  However, things are going well.  I’ll get the… Continue reading Dog dead workdays and killing your characters

Third Quarter 2010

This might be more than a little dorky, but I keep track of how much I write each day in a giant spreadsheet and do a blog post at the end of each quarter summing up how things went.  It’s October already, so this is the Q3 report.  Here goes: In July, I was working… Continue reading Third Quarter 2010

Confessions of a delinquent blogger

Man, so much has been happening, but now that I’m working an eight to five job, I never have the time to blog about it.  It’s 2am and I’m running on only four hours of sleep from the previous night.  Oh well, it’s a weekend.  Here goes. I passed the 50k mark for the rewrite… Continue reading Confessions of a delinquent blogger

Bed intruder song بالعربي

I can’t believe I just did this. An Arabic speaker asked, in a youtube comment, for a translation of the recent Antoine Dodson rapist song meme.  Since I didn’t have anything better to do was already busy procrastinating, I went ahead and made a rough translation.  Here it is: ومن الواضح أن لدينا في لينكولن… Continue reading Bed intruder song بالعربي

Why am I so #$%! unproductive?

I don’t know why, but it’s a lot harder for me to write the first draft of something than it is to revise it.  Finishing my last novel was much, much harder than any of the projects before it, and my productivity is still suffering because of it. The root problem, I suppose, is procrastination.… Continue reading Why am I so #$%! unproductive?

Weird slump

Man, I’m going through a really weird slump these days.  Yesterday, I wrote 2.5k words, and today, I only wrote 1.5k words–this, in spite of the fact that I’m only working about three hours a day.  It’s kind of frustrating. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m right at the end of this novel.  I’ve got… Continue reading Weird slump