Still alive

This post is just to let you know that I’m still alive, that I haven’t gone anywhere, and that I’m still writing. I’ve been a little disorganized recently, with job obligations (this is my last week), a TEFL course to finish, and other stuff…can’t quite remember what other stuff, but I’m sure there was something.… Continue reading Still alive

The Obligatory Valentine’s Day Post

I was going to write a long post on why I hated Valentine’s Day, but then I realized it hasn’t been so bad. Of course, that’s mostly because I’ve been in my apartment most of the day, writing.  I did go to Macey’s at one point, and was mildly annoyed by the crowd of people… Continue reading The Obligatory Valentine’s Day Post

Some chiastic poetry

Recently, I’ve taken to writing poetry in church–partially to keep me awake, but also to explore elements of worship, such as this one I wrote a few weeks ago: Bread and water, types of Christ, bond us in the covenant and make us His people; bearing His name, joined in discipleship, remembering the Savior by… Continue reading Some chiastic poetry