What have you learned from reading science fiction?

While trolling around the new Facebook questions app, I came across this interesting question.  Unable to resist, I spent the next hour crafting my answer. This is what I wrote: Gosh, what HAVEN’T I learned from science fiction? Because of science fiction, I do not fear the alien. I do not feel threatened by people… Continue reading What have you learned from reading science fiction?

Waylander by David Gemmell

The Drenai lands have been overrun, and the Vagrian conquerors, led by Kaem and the Dark Brotherhood, are laying waste to all that lies before them.  Only the stronghold at Purdol withstands them, but unless the Drenai can rally a counterattack, all will be lost. In these trying times, a strange old man visits the… Continue reading Waylander by David Gemmell

Falling in love: does it actually happen?

I like to tell people that I don’t believe in the concept of “falling in love”–that true love isn’t something you fall into, it’s something you grow into.  The thing you fall into is called “infatuation,” which by itself doesn’t last long.  It’s happened to me many times, and look at how single I am.… Continue reading Falling in love: does it actually happen?