Are ebooks there yet? My response to Wired

I just read an interesting article on Wired putting forth five reasons why ebooks aren’t yet better than print books.  I find it mildly interesting that Publisher’s Weekly linked the article on Twitter; the more things change, the more that people in traditional publishing seem to plug their ears and pretend like it isn’t happening. … Continue reading Are ebooks there yet? My response to Wired

AHHH! It’s uploaded!

That’s right; just a few minutes ago, I uploaded Genesis Earth to the Amazon Kindle store.  It’ll take about 24 hours to show up on the site, at which point the entire universe will implode and we’ll all become robots fighting for survival in an artificial reality.  So get ready! That beautiful image on the… Continue reading AHHH! It’s uploaded!

“…and I am doing my best to leave traditional publishing behind.” –Tracy Hickman

Those were Tracy Hickman’s exact words today at CONduit. He said it as part of his introductory remarks at his first panel, “To Cliche Or Not To Cliche,” and reiterated it on all of the panels he was on for the rest of the day. For those of you who don’t know, Tracy Hickman has… Continue reading “…and I am doing my best to leave traditional publishing behind.” –Tracy Hickman

Stoked for CONduit and a sneak peek

CONduit starts tomorrow in Salt Lake City, and I am so stoked! This will be my third year in a row, and it looks like all the usuals are going to be there: Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, Dave Farland, L.E. Modesitt, Tracy and Laura Hickman–in other words, a whole bunch of awesome people.  It’s gonna… Continue reading Stoked for CONduit and a sneak peek

Back in Mass

Mass = Massachusetts = “back east,” for all you unwashed Utahans! My sister’s wedding is this weekend, so I’m back at my parents’ place helping them get everything set up.  It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow, but I’ve got my netbook and will probably get a couple good hours of writing in. I… Continue reading Back in Mass

Why I am not afraid of the Noise

One of the biggest concerns for writers considering indie publishing is the fear of being drowned out by “the Noise”–all the obnoxious crap that will inevitably pile up because everyone thinks they can write a book.  After all, if anyone can self publish, anyone WILL self publish, including all the hordes of terrible, terrible writers. … Continue reading Why I am not afraid of the Noise

Disappointment and a shift in direction

So the latest round of judging for the 2011 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award came out today…and Genesis Earth didn’t make the cut. Oh well, at least I made it to the quarter finals.  Most of the reviews were encouraging, though the one from Publisher’s Weekly made me wonder if the reviewer had something against science… Continue reading Disappointment and a shift in direction

Good things are coming

…I can feel it. I got my tax return today, and it was significantly more than I was expecting.  Between that and the money I’m getting from my current temp job, I may have enough to last through this month and the next.  The last time I took a month off to focus exclusively on… Continue reading Good things are coming