Breaking 90k and other mundane excitements

(I almost always have trouble figuring out titles for these blogs posts.  I mean, my writing life isn’t all that exciting–I just write.  Check out my study abroad blog from last year for true (if old) excitement). I broke 90k words in Bringing Stella Home today.  According to my goal of 120k, that’s the 3/4 mark.… Continue reading Breaking 90k and other mundane excitements

What did you do with your summer?

This is the question I’m kind of worried people will ask me (or I’ll ask myself) when fall rolls around.  It’s looking more and more like I won’t be going to New York for the internship, so that begs the question–what else are you going to do?  Are you going to be productive and do… Continue reading What did you do with your summer?

Slow but steady

Okay, quick post before I go to bed. Things are progressing in this novel, slowly but surely, as you can see from the wordcount.  Unlike past weeks, I’m not pushing myself too hard, mostly because I’ve got a lot of schoolwork right now and if I were to spend much more time on this novel,… Continue reading Slow but steady

Slugging it out and summer plans

Ok, last week I wrote almost nothing on this blog, and last night I wrote a quick post before going to bed that didn’t really explain much.  I just got done reading one of Dave Farland’s kick-in-the-pants series of email newsletters and it said, basically, to post every day if you have a blog (unless… Continue reading Slugging it out and summer plans

Experiment, take two

Ok…the experiment I wrote about last week…yeah, it failed.  Miserably.  Got almost no writing done, and I wasn’t able to get up early hardly ever. However, I’m going to try it again.  Part of the problem was that I always ended up staying up late, past 1am, even when I intended to get up early,… Continue reading Experiment, take two

Almost at part 3

Wow, writing this novel is going a lot faster than I had thought. At the same time, though, I sometimes worry that I’m not going fast enough. I broke the 50k mark this week, and I haven’t even gotten to any of the major climaxes yet. This thing could easily go to 90k words before… Continue reading Almost at part 3