SW-TJC (thumb)Hey guys, exciting news!  I just published Star Wanderers: The Jeremiah Chronicles!   It’s an omnibus that contains Parts I-IV of the series.  You can find it now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords, as well as Omnilit, All Romance eBooks, and Drivethru Fiction.  It should be up on Sony, iTunes, and other eretailers in a week or two.

This omnibus edition doesn’t actually contain any new content, except for the author’s note which I’ll post a little later on the blog.  But if you’re just getting started with the Star Wanderers series, this is a slightly less expensive way to get the first four installments than buying them all individually.  Plus, the cover art is pretty kewl–at least, I think so. 🙂

If you’ve read the series up through Homeworld, I would really appreciate it if you’d take the time to post a review on the omnibus.  There’s no expectation to do so, of course, but it really does help things out a lot.  Also, if you’re a Goodreads user, you can add the omnibus to your library here.

That’s just about it for now.  At some point, I’d like to put out a print version, but I’m not sure whether to do the full omnibus or to do a sort of back-to-back edition, where it’s two novellas with the one printed upside down and on the other side.  What the heck–maybe I’ll do both.  But I still have to format the print version of Stars of Blood and Glory, so it might take a while before I get around to that.

In the meantime, I’d better get back to writing Part VII: Reproach.  This publishing stuff is all good fun, but the important thing is to keep writing.

See you around, and thanks for reading!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


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