Quick update from Massachusetts

Hey guys, this is just going to be a quick update since it’s midnight here on the east coast and I’m  pretty tired from the three-day train ride.  Sleeping on the train is like skipping stones, where all you’re really doing is seeing how far you can go before you crash (and I’m due for a crash).  So anyways, here goes.

First, I didn’t get a whole lot of writing done on the train, partially because of the sleep issue but mostly because I started reading STRAY by Andrea K. Höst and holy crap, I could not put it down.  Seriously.  It got to the point where the only thing I wanted to do was read this book, which was fortunate because riding the train, there’s not much else to do anyway.  So I finished it in a little over 24 hours, which means you can expect to see a review here soon, either before or after I get back from vacation (probably before, because I plan to read the next couple books in the series at the beach and on the ride back).

Second, I’ve decided to spend the next week or so working exclusively on Star Wanderers: Reproach (Part VII), while the feedback is still fresh and my enthusiasm is still strong.  Also, after burning through the first chapter in the last couple days, I think I can get this done pretty fast.  After that, I’ll send it out to a couple of other first readers, probably make another pass, then figure things out from there.  If all goes well, it should be out by mid-September-ish.

Third, I’m thinking about releasing print editions of the Star Wanderers series.  At first, I thought I’d limit the print editions to the omnibuses (omnibi?), but now I think it would be cool to do little pocket-sized editions of each novella.  What do you guys think?  If there’s demand, I’ll try to put them out a little sooner, hopefully before Christmas.  And since they’re small, I can probably price them lower, like around $6 to $7 or so (and of course, Amazon will discount them).

Third point one, before I do that I need to release a print version of Stars of Blood and Glory.  Which shouldn’t be too difficult, since I’ve already typeset about half of it.  Mostly I’ve just been lazy and/or busy with other stuff, but now that I check CreateSpace it seems that people are actually buying my print books, hmm.  Better get on top of that.

Fourth … actually, there is no fourth.  I guess I should say I’m on vacation, which means doing what I usually do except from Cape Cod, spending my non-writing time doing fun things with family.  But since I’m home, I plan to go through my high-school / middle-school papers and hunt down my first novel attempt, if for no other reason than to destroy it.  I may keep a page or two as a curiosity/souvenir, but that abomination really needs to die.

And that’s about it.  The stone has begun to sink, and I really need to hit the sack.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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