NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One

  • Words Written Today: 2,022
  • Children of the Starry Sea: 1,010
  • “Lord of the Slaves” author’s note: 1,012
  • Total Words Written: 2,022
  • Total Words Remaining: 47,978
  • Total Words Ahead: 335

I was going to do the same thing with nanowrimo this year that I did last year, and turn out 50k words of short stories, but at the last minute I decided to keep working on the same projects that I’ve been working on, and just write 50k new words in all of those.

The main reason for this is that I changed my own personal writing goals in October, to write 2k new words every day, and I’ve been struggling to hit that consistently. So I think that nanowrimo will serve me better if I use it to get better about hitting that goal (and the daily average for nano comes to about 2k words per day if you take Sundays off), rather than starting a new project.

Besides, I’m still quite excited about my current WIP, so there really is no need to prime or refill the creative well by starting a new project or working on a different project. That was the main reason I did the short story thing again for Camp NaNoWriMo earlier this year, and it worked out very well.

So anyways, today I wrote about 1k words in my current WIP, and another 1k words for the author’s note and acknowledgments of the short story I plan to release in the next week: “Lord of the Slaves.” This is one of the stories that I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2020, and even though it took me a while to fix it, I’m really happy with how it turned out.

I’ll also be releasing book 3 of the Genesis Earth Trilogy, The Stars of Redemption, but I’ve already done all the writing and other production work for that one. In fact, it’s already available for sale on my oneline author bookstore, and I’m currently running a free & $2.99 sale on the first two books in the trilogy: Genesis Earth and Edenfall!

All right, that’s enough self-promotion for now. Point is, I’m running a very agressive publishing schedule right now, which means I have multiple projects to juggle, not just my current novel WIP. That’s another reason I’ve decided not to complicate things by starting any new nanowrimo projects.

First day is off to a good start! Between Children of the Starry Sea and “Lord of the Slaves,” I managed to hit my 2k daily word count goal, which puts me about 300 words ahead of where I need to be. If I can keep this up, nanowrimo should be a cinch—but of course, that’s where things get tricky.

As with the other nanowrimos that I’ve done, I’ll post a daily update at the end of each day (except Sundays). Most of them will probably be shorter than this one. I also have plans to revive this blog and maybe start posting on other social media, but I’ll save that for another post, since this one is long enough.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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