Goals for May

The last two weeks have pretty much decimated my writing routine.  Between family stuff and a 40 hour per week temp job, I’ve pretty much fallen behind on everything.

However, the good news is that with the money from the temp job, I can afford to take a month off to work exclusively on writing projects.  Here’s what I plan to accomplish, in order of importance:

  • Finish Into the Nebulous Deep 1.1.
  • Finish the online TEFL class.
  • Publish Journey to Jordan on the Kindle.
  • Finish >50% of Worlds Away from Home 3.0.
  • Prepare Genesis Earth for publication.
  • Release the short stories on Nook, Smashwords.
  • Switch to Linux.

A hefty bill, especially considering that my youngest sister’s wedding is next weekend.  However, I think I can definitely do it.  I’ve got about 18k words left in ITND, and with the feedback from my first readers, I’ve got tons of ideas for WAFH.  That project is going to be fun.

Journey to Jordan shouldn’t be too hard, either.  I found a good WYSIWYG html editor and played around with some test files today until I figured out how to make it work.  Now, I just need to play around with an actual Kindle to see how small I need to make the interior illustrations/photos to make sure they look good.  After that, it’s just copy and paste from old blogs, with a little spot editing and some time to write a foreword.

Journey to Jordan is going to be a lot of fun.  It’s a travel journal, not a science fiction novel, but my experiences in the Middle East definitely shaped my writing style, and it might be fun for readers of my novels/stories to see where the influences came from.  If all goes well, I can have it up by the 14th.

But above all else, my priority is going to be writing. I want to get back into a steady routine, plugging out a good +2.5k words each day until ITND is finished.  The deadline for that is the 14th, but I want to have it finished sooner if possible.  It’s going to be hard with my sister’s wedding, but I’ll do the best I can.

Of course, this is all assuming that I can take the whole month of May off.  However, Pioneer Book called me up on Saturday to set up an interview–they’ve got a position open, and I’m pretty optimistic that they’ll want to hire me.

If that happens, great!  I’ll just push some of this stuff back into June and juggle part time work with these writing projects.  Full time work is much harder to juggle, but if things don’t work with Pioneer Book, the guys at the temp job want me to come back in June.  So either way, I won’t be broke (inshallah).

The ultimate goal, of course, is to make the writing pay the bills.  That seems more possible to me now than ever before, but it’s still a ways out there.  2015, though–that’s the goal.  I want to me making a full time living as a writer by 2015.

But for now, I’d better get some sleep.  After all, I want to write +4k words tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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