Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel

The Riches of Xulthar is now complete! I’m sending it out to my editor this afternoon, and if all goes well, it will be available in all formats by the end of September. In the meantime, I have decided to post the entire thing chapter by chapter on my blog. I’ll be posting the final,… Continue reading Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel

The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!

It only took about a month, but it would have been much faster if I’d used Story Engine. Honestly, I probably could have generated the text in a week if I’d used that tool, or perhaps even an afternoon. Instead, I outlined the project myself, wrote the first couple of paragraphs for each individual scene,… Continue reading The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!

More early thoughts on AI-assisted writing

It’s become something of a cliche that true writers write because they can’t not write, but as with so many other stereotypes and cliches, there’s a kernel of truth in it. I’ve been writing on and off since the 8th grade, and even during periods of my life when I wasn’t able to focus on… Continue reading More early thoughts on AI-assisted writing

Practice Writing AI-Assisted Stories

For an elective pottery class at a large university, the instructor told his students at the beginning of the semester that they could choose to be graded on the quality of their final piece, or the quantity of pieces they produced. But they had to decide right then, in the first week of the class,… Continue reading Practice Writing AI-Assisted Stories

Where have I been?

So it’s been almost two weeks since I last posted anything, including any of the half-dozen or so short stories I’ve listened to that I feel are worth sharing. What’s going on? We did just have a new baby less than two months ago, though that’s not been as disruptive to everything as I expected.… Continue reading Where have I been?

Prepping for a new novel project

I am so far behind on so many things right now. My in-laws went to Idaho for the week, so all of the childcare has fallen on us while they’re gone, and we’ve just been swamped. I know that there are amazing parents out there who can watch five kids at a time, by themselves,… Continue reading Prepping for a new novel project