Beginnings and title woes

Today, I came off my writing break and started my next novel.  The makings of the first scene have been kicking around in my head for the past couple of days, but today I actually sat down and started it.  I’m not sure how strong of a beginning it is, but at least it’s a start.

I would have started yesterday, but I had a horrible time trying to format the file.  No matter how many times and ways I tried to fix the pagination in openoffice, whenever I reopened the file, it came out wrong.  Finally, I switched the file from .doc to .odt, and that did the trick.

Turns out, that may be for the best.  Because of the proliferation of Microsoft Word, everyone seems to use .doc or .docx, but there are several good reasons why ODF (Open Document Format) is better.  In fact, several international governments have made it a matter of public policy to make the switch.  After all the headaches .doc files have given me in openoffice, I certainly have.  We’ll see how that goes.

As for the novel, it really, really needs a new title.  The old one, Hero in Exile, just doesn’t work for me.  It’s too…cliche, in a generic, meaningless way.  Blegh.

And thus begins another search for a good title.  Do you have any ideas?  The story is about a boy raised by desert nomads in search of his true origins, whose world completely falls apart when he falls in love with a girl who wants him to stay.  I suppose it’s kind of a cross between The Jungle Book and Great Expectations…in spaaace!

Mainly, though, it’s about an upright, noble-hearted boy trying to come to terms with the moral corruption and decay of the world around him.  When he finds that corruption inside himself, it almost destroys him, but before the end…no, better not give it away.

I don’t know–I just know it needs a better title.  Any ideas?

Oh, and before I go to bed, you might find this interesting.  It’s an original arrangement of one of the most memorable songs from the Xenogears soundtrack.  It even has lyrics, written in the language of one of the races of the game.

Wow–talk about a super fan!  I wonder if any of my stories will ever inspire something as amazingly creative as this?  If so, it would be pretty cool–pretty dang cool.

Anyways, night.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. Hmm, perhaps identify what is most unique about your story and use that in the title somehow. I can’t tell what that would be from you description–it all sounds pretty familiar at the moment. Is there something to set this book apart from the rest of the pack?
    A title relating to the main theme may be good. I’d say “Heart of Darkness” could work if Conrad hadn’t stolen it already.
    Perhaps something relating to the desert. Or space. Maybe both somehow. Make a list of 20 workable titles and pick the one that is most eye-catching. (Or just worry about it later.)

  2. Ha, my friend Nathan is writing a book called Effulgent Corruption, and that title sounds like it would work for your book, too.

    I could help more if I actually read the story, but you have to write it first. 😀

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