Trapped in a parking garage and other late night story ideas

I had a weird idea for a story yesterday.  I went to the library and parked in the underground parking lot of the JFSB, and when the library closed at midnight, I came back and found the garage completely empty.  I was on the bottom floor, but forgot that the exit is only on the second floor, so I drove to where the exit should have been and found myself looking at a sign that said “NO EXIT.”

This made me wonder…what if you were trapped in an underground parking garage that, for some inexplicable reason, had no exits?  That the more you tried to find one, the more lost you’d become.  And it was completely empty?  And it was night?

Also, today at work I had an interesting idea–how to turn telepathy into a reality.  First, design a computer interface that connects directly to the human brain, without the need for a keyboard or a mouse or anything else.  Next, surgically implant these computers into people, and connect the computers to the internet.  You could open an IM box and chat with people directly, mind to mind.

Of course, you would still have to use words and language, since your mind has to translate your thoughts into words, which the computer can process into data, which the other computer can interpret as words, which the other person can then understand.  Still, it would be interesting, wouldn’t it?  Imagine the ability to IM anyone at any time, directly through your brain…

…holy cow, I would never get anything done!

Anyways, it’s WAY past my bedtime (my self-imposed bedtime, I’ll have you know, which unfortunately I have not been imposing nearly enough on myself.  That will have to change in the near future).

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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