Three day weekends!

Ok, this is going to be a quick post because it’s late and I CRAVE sleep.

I tried this semester to schedule all my classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and because of that I wasn’t rehired at the BYU bookstore because I didn’t have mornings open TTh.  Suck.  What’s more, I ended up having to schedule a couple of classes on Monday and Wednesday, so I wasn’t even able to have the awesome MWF free schedule that I wanted in the first place.  Double suck.  HOWEVER, I DO have Fridays free, and it is heaven!  Three day weekends all semester!  Woot!

Also, you know what?  Every time I get fired and/or lose my job, it ends up being a great blessing–exactly what I needed at the time, even.  I lost my job in the MTC cafeteria right before the start of a really killer semester, and I know I would have been horribly overwhelmed if I’d had to work as well as study.  And the next semester, when things cooled down, I got the bookstore job, and it was awesome.  While it lasted, that is.

But even though I wish I could still be working for the bookstore, I think in the long run it’s going to be a blessing.  Today as I was looking on the job boards in the wilk, I saw three openings in the FHSS writing lab.  They pay fairly good–about $8.95/hr–and I was surprised to find that I met and/or exceeded all of their qualifications for the job.  So I dropped by the lab, picked up an application, and tomorrow I’m going to drop it by and hopefully get interviewed.  Inshallah, everything will go well and I’ll soon be getting paid to help students in my college write their papers.

Man, I’m just blessed.  Life is beautiful and I love it.

As far as writing goes, I painfully rewrote the first chapter of Hero in Exile and sent it off with the rest of the Quark submissions.  Yes, the Quark writing group is starting up again.  I hope that this year it will be better than ever!  We only got three submissions for our first meeting, but once we get on a roll I think things will really take off.  Inshallah, we’ll get plenty of new members this year to keep the club going strong.

The short story I mentioned in my previous post is off to a rocky start, but it’s going fairly well.  I’m going to try to finish it in the next week or so–before life shifts again and I lose the perspective that impelled me to write the story in the first place.

And now, SLEEEEEEEP!   Why?  Because tomorrow is the last day of the BYU Bookstore’s progressive booksale, where everything is 90% off, and I want first dibs!  And after that…THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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