Thank goodness it’s Friday!

Yes!  Thank goodness!  Got out of class at two and, after taking care of some chores and stuff, went down to the Provo library for a good two or three hours and just wrote in my novel.  It was definitely a lot cooler than anything else I could have done…

…which then makes me wonder why I went to my friends’ house and spent the next three hours vegging out on Halo. :'(

But yeah, writing in my story was definitely the highlight of the day.  The interesting thing is that when I finally sat down with my computer, I had this really strong urge not to write.  But I decided to go ahead with it anyways, and after about five hundred words or so, the writing started coming easy and I really started getting into the story.  I think I wrote about two thousand words right there, and I wish I’d been able to write more.

I’m think I’m not that far from the end.  Yay!  Then comes the rewrite, which is going to be very extensive.  But I think most of that is going to be cutting stuff out.  Why?  Well, today I had quite a few firsts: first time I’ve written a story that’s longer than 120,000 words, 400 pages, and larger than one megabyte.  Holy cow.

And now that I’m trying to bring two of my characters together, I’m worrying that the interaction is more than a little lame.  But I’m not listening to the editor’s voice that’s beating its head against a wall right now.  I’ll just take the story where it feels like it should naturally go, guiding it gently but firmly to the ending that I’m finally starting to see.  I’ll just fix it all in the rewrite…that’s what I tell myself, anyway…

All I really want to do is write in this novel.  But life gets in the way, and I oblige.

PLSC 310 is an incredibly difficult class, but professor Goodliffe is positively brilliant, and I’m really glad I’m taking the class.  Read a 35 page academic article tonight on how congressmen view their own constituencies, and how that translates into what kind of persona’s they build around themselves and such.  Blegh.  But at least I’m going to have all my homework done by Saturday night–I want to have a good Sunday for a change.

Work at the BYU Bookstore is pretty fun.  I think I’m starting to get then hang of it.  Our last delivery was at the Creamery on Ninth, and we had an hour to kill without any pressing work to do, so we all stopped for ice cream!  Yay!

I’m trying to think of some kind of common theme that ties all of these experiences together, but I’m running on four hours of sleep and my mind really isn’t functioning right now.  Maybe you’ll see something I don’t see.

But prettymuch I just want to say that life is good, even if you don’t always get to do the things that you want to do (like writing) all of the time.

As for cool stuff I can share with you, lets see…there’s this really ridiculous webcomic one of my roommates showed me a while ago.  It’s called dinosaur comics, and basically it’s this guy who takes the same exact cartoon each week and changes nothing except for the dialogue (well…as a general rule).

Then this other artist who has his own webcomic (which has some really beautiful art) did a sort of tribute, and it was really funny if for nothing other than the twist at the end.  But it won’t make sense unless you know what kind of a comic dinosaur comics is–it tends to be either really silly or really intellectual.

But hey, silly and intellectual just might be the two words that describe me best, so I love it!

And now that I’m about ready to post this entry, I finally remember what it was I wanted to blog about.  But it will have to wait, because if I don’t go to sleep soon I’m going to die a horrible, painful death.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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