Teaser: Starmap from Bringing Stella Home

First off, let me get some business out of the way.  I did another post for the Genesis Earth blog tour, this time on my friend Cavan’s blog.  The subject: how and why I decided to become an indie published writer.

Also, if you live in Europe, it may interest you to know that Genesis Earth is now available on XinXii, a European ebook retailer website.  The price is 2.99 USD and I believe that is VAT inclusive, which should make it much less expensive than Amazon and other American sites.

Finally, an update on my upcoming novel Bringing Stella Home.  I’ve commissioned the cover art from Līva Šmaukstele, an artist from Latvia.  We just got the sketches finalized this week, and I am very excited to see the final copy!  My copy editor, Josh Leavitt, is finishing up with the edits in a couple of weeks, so if all goes well with the art Bringing Stella Home should be up before the end of the month.

And now, the teaser: I spent a couple of hours this afternoon putting together the starmap for Bringing Stella Home.  This will appear in the front, just before chapter one. Check it out:

Pretty cool, eh?  I might touch it up a little before publication, perhaps lighten the background a tad.  I did it in B&W so that it would work better for the Kindle.  Many thanks to Logan Kearsley for help with the stellar classes; it really pays to have geeky friends who know so much.

And yes, the Good Hope Nebula will be in the cover art.  Yes, it’s going to be awesome.  Expect another teaser to come out soon.


By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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