I thought this was supposed to be fun…

Well, it is.  At least, the net effect is fun.  But the day to day writing can be kind of…difficult. I’ve made some progress in the last few days, even though I neglected to write about it here.  Mostly, it’s just been between classes or insanely late at night, so I haven’t had time to… Continue reading I thought this was supposed to be fun…


Shoot!  Today was a crazy day!  I feel almost like it was a waste!  The last couple of days, I was thinking about how great it would be once the weekend comes, how I’d have tons of free time to write in my novel, and how many thousands of words I would write, how awesome… Continue reading AUGH!!!!!!!!!

I feel an emotional roller coaster about to begin…

You know, I used to get really freaking emotional about my writing. I’d post these notes up all over my room, some of them philosophical, others just giving myself general encouragement, and I’d read, revise, analyze, reanalyze, tear apart, and thrash my own writing. And then I’d get so emotionally wrapped up in it that… Continue reading I feel an emotional roller coaster about to begin…

Some thoughts on writing, reading, and stories

I’ve had some interesting thoughts recently about stories. It’s come mostly from interacting with the writing group and with friends from the writing group. As I’m getting more and more into writing fiction, my thoughts about fiction, stories, and science fiction get more and more complex and interesting. This post is going to be a… Continue reading Some thoughts on writing, reading, and stories

Why are writers so self conscious?

This is something I’ve noticed: that aspiring writers are generally introverted and very self conscious–to the point even of being fragile. It’s hard for them to feel confident and very easy for them to feel depressed because they think that their writing is all bad. I’ve been in the same boat–and now that my latest… Continue reading Why are writers so self conscious?

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Not enough time…

I wish I was writing right now. Grrr!!! Freaking life is too busy! Maybe this is why I write so much when I do sit down and actually do it. All of that creative energy and whatnot pent in for so long, when it comes out, it comes out in a flood. Maybe. Maybe not.… Continue reading Not enough time…

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