Convention jitters

World Fantasy starts in less than 72 hours, and I’m getting nervous about it.  Really nervous.  This is the first big-time science fiction convention I’ve ever been to, and I’m worried that it will be too intimidating, or that I’ll make a fool of myself, or that I won’t put myself out there enough, or…… Continue reading Convention jitters

Busy busy AWESOME day

I had an awesome day today.  Totally awesome.  If every day this semester is like this one, I’ll be dead tired before Thanksgiving but so happy it won’t even matter. It started at 7am.  Woke up, worked out, read a galley from Dragon Moon Press for Leading Edge while working out.  The book wasn’t that… Continue reading Busy busy AWESOME day

Slush puppy feedback

A few weeks ago, I read a submission for The Leading Edge (I volunteer read slush for the magazine) from a lady from Germany.  The story was about a dwindling race of indigenous natives being driven from their lands by a corporate, high-technology society.  This one girl gets lost in the wilderness and everyone thinks… Continue reading Slush puppy feedback

Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

I am now 20% finished with Ashes of the Starry Sea. Huzzah!  The story is definitely picking up steam. In related news, my seven day totals has peaked higher than it’s been in the last two weeks, up above 17,500 words.  Inshallah, that number will rise to +24,000 befoore the end of the week. In… Continue reading Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

Was Jane Austen a man?

Okay, okay, don’t worry, I know the answer to this question.  But in five hundred or a thousand years, will people be so certain?   We question the true authorship of Shakespeare’s works.  Some of us even question whether Jesus Christ was a real human being, or just a fiction that some religious group invented.… Continue reading Was Jane Austen a man?