Slow but steady

Okay, quick post before I go to bed. Things are progressing in this novel, slowly but surely, as you can see from the wordcount.  Unlike past weeks, I’m not pushing myself too hard, mostly because I’ve got a lot of schoolwork right now and if I were to spend much more time on this novel,… Continue reading Slow but steady

Slugging it out and summer plans

Ok, last week I wrote almost nothing on this blog, and last night I wrote a quick post before going to bed that didn’t really explain much.  I just got done reading one of Dave Farland’s kick-in-the-pants series of email newsletters and it said, basically, to post every day if you have a blog (unless… Continue reading Slugging it out and summer plans

Almost at part 3

Wow, writing this novel is going a lot faster than I had thought. At the same time, though, I sometimes worry that I’m not going fast enough. I broke the 50k mark this week, and I haven’t even gotten to any of the major climaxes yet. This thing could easily go to 90k words before… Continue reading Almost at part 3

It’s been a while

Man, it’s been a while since I wrote on this blog.  I guess I’m caught in the semester tailspin or something. Writing’s going really well, though.  I’m about 100 pages into Bringing Estella Home right now, and even though I’m probably a day or two behind where I’d like to be, I’m generally right on… Continue reading It’s been a while

Back in school

So, school has started again!  As fun as the vacation was, it’s good to be back. I think I’ve more or less finalized my schedule by now.  I’m taking an Arabic grammar class, a poli sci class on Islamic politics (taught by an Arab guy who drove ambulances in Lebanon during the Israeli invasion/occupation in… Continue reading Back in school

The Mongol hordes…in SPACE!

A while ago, I wrote a post on this blog about what we were learning in History 240 about the Turks, the Seljuks, and the Mongols.  Fascinating stuff!  Really epic!  Genghis Khan, Tamarlane, Tugril Beg, and all the rest of those guys may have been bloody, totalitarian rulers, but they did some incredible stuff, especially… Continue reading The Mongol hordes…in SPACE!


YES!!!  Exams are over!  Finished them just a couple of days ago, and now I’m at home back in Massachusetts.  Ah, sweet freedom!  No school obligations, no stresses for papers or projects or grades or anything!  Lots and lots of free time! …and with that free time, I’m going to undertake something almost ridiculously impossible:… Continue reading Freedom!

I am SO ready to wash the dust of this semester from my feet

Ugh.  I feel like this has been my worst semester yet.  Not in terms of grades, or in terms of social life, or even in terms of workload, but just…in terms of my classes.  Classes, and just school in general. Here’s what I’ve figured out.  My best, most enjoyable classes are the ones that really… Continue reading I am SO ready to wash the dust of this semester from my feet

This week has been rough.  Last day of classes is tomorrow (today), next week is finals. I’m going to take as many finals as possible on Monday, just to get them over with.  Scholastically, it has been a somewhat disappointing semester, though I don’t think my grades have suffered much.  I just want it to… Continue reading


Happy Thanksgiving!  Holy cow, I ate a lot.  Had dinner with the McQueens, my sister’s husband’s grandparents, and all the inlaws.  My sister-in-law can cook a mean chocolate pie.  Holy cow.  Delicious. So, when I wasn’t eating or groggily digesting over at my in-laws’ house, I was writing.  It was pretty tough, to be honest. … Continue reading Unstuck