Deceptively unproductive day

Man, where did the day go?  I don’t feel like I was lazy, yet I only wrote about 1.2k words for the whole day.  And things were going so well the day before… Well, I guess I was busy, just with a whole lot of other things.  Donated plasma (which took all morning), got some… Continue reading Deceptively unproductive day

10k words and going strong

Today I crossed the 10k mark for my newest project, Into the Nebulous Deep. It’s a little bit behind in terms of nanwrimo, but I’m confident it will be on par before the end of the week.  I wrote 2.6 words today, and I’m hoping to keep that fairly steady as I move on into… Continue reading 10k words and going strong

Why am I so #$%! unproductive?

I don’t know why, but it’s a lot harder for me to write the first draft of something than it is to revise it.  Finishing my last novel was much, much harder than any of the projects before it, and my productivity is still suffering because of it. The root problem, I suppose, is procrastination.… Continue reading Why am I so #$%! unproductive?