Breaking 20k/7day and a new apartment

Today I broke 20k words for the running seven-day total.  According to my records, the last time that total was over 20k was Monday, June 8th.  Despite the fact that I moved into a new apartment today, I managed to finish with just over 4k for the day. You should have seem me at the… Continue reading Breaking 20k/7day and a new apartment

Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

I am now 20% finished with Ashes of the Starry Sea. Huzzah!  The story is definitely picking up steam. In related news, my seven day totals has peaked higher than it’s been in the last two weeks, up above 17,500 words.  Inshallah, that number will rise to +24,000 befoore the end of the week. In… Continue reading Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

Getting into it

Three days into Bringing Stella Home 1.1 and I’m really getting into it.  I’ve reworked the first and second chapters a ton.  It’s coming along surprisingly well, considering I was just about ready to throw in the towel a month ago. So far I’m over 12,000 words into the story, which shows up on the progress bar as… Continue reading Getting into it

Slugging it out and summer plans

Ok, last week I wrote almost nothing on this blog, and last night I wrote a quick post before going to bed that didn’t really explain much.  I just got done reading one of Dave Farland’s kick-in-the-pants series of email newsletters and it said, basically, to post every day if you have a blog (unless… Continue reading Slugging it out and summer plans