Post-Christmas Update

Christmas was great! My parents came over from Iowa on the train, and stayed with us for a few days. My wife’s brother also came down from the Salt Lake area. He has a bazillion board games, so we had a ton of fun playing with him. Before I had kids, I never really got… Continue reading Post-Christmas Update

A quick update

If life had a crazy-meter, the needle on mine would be somewhere in the yellow green right now and trending toward the red. Next week, Future Mrs. Vasicek and I will be traveling to Iowa for my nephew’s baptism. It’s going to be a big family affair. Future Mrs. Vasicek has met everyone already, minus… Continue reading A quick update

Time is a gift

Just a quick post today. This week is already shaping up to be pretty crazy, so I may have to do a couple more just to keep up the blogging streak. Anyone remember The Phantom Tollbooth? Great movie, and an even greater book. Definitely a classic. This is my favorite song. Now to go make… Continue reading Time is a gift


I’ve fallen behind on my blogging, so to keep things up here’s a picture of the most badass American ever to live, in all of his glory. Have a great day!

The evolution of US girl names

Here’s something interesting, just for fun. The shift in name popularity over the years reflects my own family tree surprisingly well. It’s also fascinating to keep in my cultural trends as you watch this video.