Convention jitters

World Fantasy starts in less than 72 hours, and I’m getting nervous about it.  Really nervous.  This is the first big-time science fiction convention I’ve ever been to, and I’m worried that it will be too intimidating, or that I’ll make a fool of myself, or that I won’t put myself out there enough, or…… Continue reading Convention jitters

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I think the first line of this novel sums it up better than I ever could: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. I’ve been familiar with the story of Pride and Prejudice for a long time, but this… Continue reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Breaking 90k and other mundane excitements

(I almost always have trouble figuring out titles for these blogs posts.  I mean, my writing life isn’t all that exciting–I just write.  Check out my study abroad blog from last year for true (if old) excitement). I broke 90k words in Bringing Stella Home today.  According to my goal of 120k, that’s the 3/4 mark.… Continue reading Breaking 90k and other mundane excitements

“That’s what it looks like when the infection sets in.”

So said Howard Tayler at CONduit today when he saw the expression on my face at the Aspiring writers Q&A panel.  We chatted a bit afterward, and he said something very encouraging: that if I continue to pursue my writing career with the same hunger he saw on my face, he believes I will be… Continue reading “That’s what it looks like when the infection sets in.”

Many Bothans died to bring you this weekend

This past week was pretty crazy.  Tests, papers, homework…BLEARGH.  Less than satisfying.  What’s more, I was starting to get cabin fever from being in Provo so long.  Every day, doing the same old thing, going the same old places, seeing the same old sights… …Then I got a call from my friend Ben Fisher, saying… Continue reading Many Bothans died to bring you this weekend

Slow but steady

Okay, quick post before I go to bed. Things are progressing in this novel, slowly but surely, as you can see from the wordcount.  Unlike past weeks, I’m not pushing myself too hard, mostly because I’ve got a lot of schoolwork right now and if I were to spend much more time on this novel,… Continue reading Slow but steady

A change of direction?

I had a chat with Aneeka yesterday about writing.  She was in London waiting to catch the bus to Scotland at around 4:00 am or so (jealous!), and I was winding down a frustratingly unproductive day. I told her how I’m trying to divide my attention between two different projects, and she had some interesting… Continue reading A change of direction?

Letter to the Daily Universe

My roommate Matt wrote this awesome letter to The Daily Universe last year (scroll down to the heading “Message for Sisters” to read his letter), and garnered some incredibly hilarious responses from the BYU community. He struck a tightly strung chord in this community, something that everyone here at BYU spends a lot of time… Continue reading Letter to the Daily Universe