NaNoWriMo 2021: Day Four

  • Words Written Today: 2,206
  • Children of the Starry Sea: 0
  • “In the Wake of Zedekiah Wight”: 2,206
  • Science Fiction from A to Z: 0
  • Total Words Written: 8,595
  • Total Words Remaining: 41,405
  • Total Words Ahead: 1,927

Really fun scene today in my short story “In the Wake of Zedekiah Wight,” which is quickly turning into a novelette or possibly a novella. Doesn’t really matter: I still plan to self-publish it in January, and I’ll call it a short story if it falls under 20,000 words. Most readers have no clue what a novelette is anyway.

Besides writing 2k words (which is now my standing daily word count goal), I finally published the short story “Lord of the Slaves.” I call it a short story, but technically it’s a 13,200 word novelette—but again, to most readers, it’s still a short story. It’s free everywhere but Amazon, which still requires you to go through a ton of ridiculous hoops to get it price matched, and now to get it in all the proper categories too. So that’s a pain. With luck, they’ll actually price match it in time for my newsletter next week, but either way, you can pick it up on my online store right now.

Four consecutive days of hitting my daily word count. It’s starting to get easier, though that may just have been this particular scene. With luck, though, I’ll be able to keep it up through at least the next week and build up a sizable buffer for when we visit family for the Thanksgiving holiday. We’ll be gone for almost the entire second half of November, so hitting word count is going to be a real challenge.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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