Mondays are CRAZY.

A quick update before I go to bed…

Mondays are really crazy for me.  I’ve got work all morning, then school until 3:00, then from 4:00 to 7:00 I’m busy with Arabic house duties (cooking, cleaning, etc), and then after that, there’s FHE.  To add to all that, I worked out from 8:00 to 9:00, then from 10:00 to 12:00 I was supposed to study Arabic with my sister.

There is NO time in all of that to fit in procrastination.  Which is kind of nice, but it’s also kind of crazy as well.

I fit in the writing time between showering and seeing my sister–and yes, I got in 1,000+ words tonight, as I should be doing.  I’m a little bit behind where I want to be, but I’ll have time tomorrow to catch up.  I was a little bit late to see my sister, but it turned out that she didn’t have a whole lot of stamina for Arabic so it worked out fine anyway.

Writing wasn’t the only reason I was late.  As I was leaving the library, I ran into this girl from my freshman ward.  I found out that she was looking for a ride to her place down off of 450 North and 9th East–quite a distance from the library!  And I happened to have a car.  So I gave her a ride, and it was cool to catch up with her and all.

But yeah, I’m basically retiring from a crazy busy day.  It will be nice to sleep–and nicer still to not be dead tired tomorrow.

Over the weekend, I started reading The Well of Ascension, the second book in the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson.  Man, I had no idea how much I missed those characters until I picked it up and started reading!  It was actually somewhat emotional to see them again!  Vin is one of my favorite fantasy characters of any book–she’s so well fleshed out that I feel that I know her, and I feel really involved in her struggles.  Plus, she has some crazy cool magical abilities, which make her kind of hot, to tell the truth.  It would be pretty cool to date a girl with magical powers–provided she doesn’t use them against me!

And on that note, I think I’ll call it a night.  But first, I think I’ll link to this great new remix from  Never played ducktales the video game, but this song is pretty good.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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