It’s up!

If you look off to the sidebar on your right, you might notice the two incredibly awesome meters off to the side.  Aren’t they freaking awesome??  Drek programmed those and helped me install them on my website!  They show my writing progress for the last day and the last seven days.  The number on the meter is the raw wordcount, and the meter gives some indication as to how well I’m doing…or not doing.

Man, this is so cool!  Thanks, Drek!  It makes me want to sit down and just write.

Unfortunately…I won’t be doing that tonight.  Not in my novel anyways.  I’ve got a paper due tomorrow at 8:00 am, and it’s a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be.  It’s only three pages, but in three pages I’ve got to use all kinds of quotes from The Odyssey and Socrates’s Apology.  Plus, I’ve got to attach a rough draft with the final draft in order to show progress.  Unfortunately, I didn’t start writing this until tonight…

So, if I don’t pull an all nighter, I’ll be taking a quick nap before heading up to campus at an ungodly hour to print out this crazy thing.  No rest for the weary.  And I was so good about doing all my homework today, too.  Didn’t hardly do anything else. 🙁

Ah, some days are like that.  Now I’ve got to pound out a “rough draft” (fortunately, it can suck) before I register for Winter 2009 classes in, oh 40 minutes.  In the meantime, admire the lovely new wordcount meters on my sidebar.  I swear, before the end of the week, those meters will be cranked up where they need to be…

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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