It’s done!

205 pages, 57,499 words, thirteen chapters and an epilogue–Genesis Earth is FINISHED!!!

It really did get more and more difficult the closer I got to the end.  The last part of the last chapter, in particular, was very difficult.  I can’t exactly tell you why, without giving away the story, but…let’s just say, it was hard.  I’d write a paragraph, lie down on my bed for a while, write a few lines, chat with some friends, write a little bit more…torturous.  Ugh.

Man, it feels so good to have the rough draft finished now!  I sent it out to thirteen people, seven men and six women, so I think I’ll have a good sense of how it appeals (or doesn’t apeal) to each gender.  That’s something I’m really interested to find out about; how the different genders react to the story.  It’s sci fi, so the audience is predominantly male, but I tried to put in some stuff that tend to appeal more towards women as well, and I want to know if I pulled it off or not.  I hope I did.

This novel is completely unlike my first one, The Phoenix of Nova Terra.  It is much, much shorter–three times as short, roughly.  It is much less epic–90% of the story is just two characters alone, talking with each other and struggling to figure out what’s going on.  The conflict is much more local, much more internal, and has nothing to do with the rise and fall of civilizations…well, maybe I spoke too soon.

I’ll stop talking about the novel, because I don’t want to give too much away. 😛  Needless to say, it just feels really good to have my second novel finished!  GENESIS EARTH 1.0 — that’s what the file says on my flash drive now.  So good.  It’s done–the rough draft is finally finished!

Now I can focus all my energies on that other novel, Bringing Estella Home.  If I can finish that one by April–holy cow, that would be so awesome!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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