I’m engaged!

So a couple of days ago, I proposed to the girl I’ve been dating for the past few months. She’s pretty amazing. She’s currently at BYU, getting a masters in computer science. Where I make stuff up for a living, she actually makes stuff happen.

The funny thing is that we were both in Brandon Sanderson’s English 318R class back in 2009, even though we didn’t know each other at the time. She also lived in German house at the FLSR (Foreign Language Student Residence) during the summer I was on the Jordan study abroad. I lived in the Arabic house the year before and the year after. Also, after I came back from Jordan, she studied at the BYU Jerusalem Center.

So many near misses, but the way we actually met was through an online dating app. A couple of years ago, I wondered if I should try online dating, but I got this feeling like I should wait. Then around June of 2018, I got this feeling that the time had come to set up a profile and start looking around.

We started dating back in September, and decided to go exclusive after watching Venom (kind of a weird movie to cuddle together at, but still fun). I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with her family in Provo, and apparently made a good impression. While playing a board game, her six year-old niece smiled at me and said “you’re my uncle!” to which I replied “not quite.”

Dating this girl has been a real adventure. Without getting into all the personal details, I can say that she’s got everything I’ve been looking for, and then some. On one of our earlier dates, we did an exercise where we each listed twenty things we wanted out of life, and five of those things were on both of our lists.

So yeah, she’s a keeper. I secretly met with her parents last weekend, and proposed on Tuesday. Nothing elaborate, just went on a walk around campus after eating lunch together. We’ve talked about getting married before, so after asking if there was anything else she felt we needed to talk about, I said “I can think of one thing,” got down on one knee, and took out the ring.

We’re planning to get married in June. My dad will be out of school by then, and hopefully my sister and her boyfriend will have their residency papers in Brazil figured out so that they can come. It feels like a long engagement period, and perhaps for a Latter-day Saint wedding it is, but I can be patient. Probably.

Good things are definitely happening!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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