#GiveThanks Day Two

(15) I am grateful for my American heritage, and the rights and freedoms that I am able to enjoy because of that.

(16) I am grateful to have access to many good books, more than I can possibly read in one lifetime.

(17) I am grateful that my copy of Destroyer of Worlds by Larry Correia came in the mail today!

(18) I am grateful to live close to the Orem Library, which really is a first rate library with a great staff and an excellent selection of books.

(19) I am grateful for the two mature apple trees in our backyard and the fruit that they give us.

(20) I am grateful that we have space for a garden and were able to have an excellent harvest this year.

(21) I am grateful for the art that hangs over my computer, which my sister painted back in high school:

(22) I am grateful for my nieces and nephews and the chance to be a good uncle to them—also, that one of them considers me her favorite uncle!

(23) I am grateful for the mountains that surround the valley I live in, and the many opportunities I’ve had to climb them.

(24) I am grateful for my local church community, especially our bishop and ministering brothers.

(25) I am grateful that our family finances are reasonably secure.

(26) I am grateful that I was able to graduate from college debt-free.

(27) I am grateful that I was able to study Arabic in one of the best undergraduate Arabic language programs in the country, and for the experiences that I was able to have while completing that course of study.

(28) I am grateful that I was able to teach English in the Republic of Georgia, and for the experiences that I had while living in that country.

(29) I am grateful that I’ve been able to travel across the United States, including both coasts and every major region of the lower 48 except the Pacific Northwest.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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