Getting back into things

Sorry I haven’t posted much lately; I just got back to Massachusetts from a cross-country train trip (after spending Christmas between Utah and Texas), and I’m still getting situated here at my parents’ house.  If all goes well, I’ll be leaving by the end of the month to teach English in Georgia; worst case scenario, I sign up for a different program and spend a few more months here than I’d bargained for.

Things on the writing front are going well, though; I’ve been pulling between 1.5k and 2.5k words per day pretty consistently, all on Stars of Blood and Glory.  It’s very refreshing to be working on a new project again, and while I don’t feel like I’m into it as much as I could, with nothing else to distract me hopefully that will soon change.

One other interesting thing I’m doing right now is keeping track of the stats for my writing sessions: how many words I write, what times I start and finish, how many words per hour I average, etc.  The data is turning out to be quite interesting, so once I get to about 50 or 100 data points, I’ll post my findings.  It’s definitely giving me some much needed insight into my writing process.

In the next couple of days, I’ll post the ebook numbers for December and my quarterly report (I might actually combine the two into one post, come to think of it).  Also, I’ll finally get around to sending out the email newsletter, with some goodies like desktop wallpaper for Desert Stars.  If you haven’t yet signed up for the newsletter, you can do that via the form on the sidebar. —>

Finally, to round things out, I’ll link you to this awesome Final Fantasy VI tribute I found on teh internets:

Man, such an awesome, awesome game. I almost did a full length novelization of FF6. Instead, I wrote my first novel. It was definitely the better choice at the time…but a part of me still wants to revisit that world through writing my own fanfic. Someday, maybe…

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. I wish I could have had an English teacher that was a professional writer. I grew up in a day and age where hardly anyone published. I feel a little jealousy for the future Georgians that shall be learning from you, simply because their education will be richer than mine ever was.

  2. Welcome back to good ole MA! 🙂
    Keeping track of writing data sounds really interesting though – anything useful or insightful trends turn up yet? Good luck gearing up for your trip though – I’ll definitely be stopping by to see how that’s going!

  3. Yeah, it’s really quite interesting actually. Many things that I thought were true (like time of day influences how much / how fast I can write) actually seem to be completely false, and the things I’ve discovered about my process are quite surprising. I’ll definitely do a long post about it, once I’ve gathered enough data to draw some solid conclusions.

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