FF6 Werewolf Tribute: third day

[NOTE: this is part seven in a series of posts lifted from the quark message boards where I recently GM’d a game of Werewolf.  The theme was Final Fantasy 6, one of my favorite RPGs of all time.  To see the other posts, click here.

WARNING: there will be spoilers here, and lots of them, so if you haven’t played Final Fantasy 6, do yourself a favor and play the game before reading on!]

Unaware of Terra’s demise, the party arrives at Jidoor and begin to plan their strategy for infiltrating the Empire…

CELES: So…how we gonna get there? The Empire’s on the continent to
the south. No boats go there…

They make their way to Owzer’s house uptown–home to the Impresario.


CELES: Are you talking to me?

IMPRESARIO: Sorry…my mistake. Wow, you could pass for Maria in a
heartbeat! Hoo boy, now I really am in trouble…

Impresario leaves.

LOCKE: CELES looks like Maria…?

A man is at the entrance of Owzer’s home.

MAN: You’re the spittin’ image of Maria! Huh? Haven’t you heard of
her? She’s a famous opera singer! That PERSON dropped it off. He’s
the directory of operas here. Everyone just calls him “Impresario.”
He’s been in a tizzy since that letter arrived.

(Letter) “My Dear Maria, I want you for my wife. I’m coming for you…
The Wandering Gambler”

LOCKE: Who’s this “Wandering Gambler”…?

MAN: You born on a farm, son?

cue music…

A black jack-playing, world-traveling casino-dwelling free spirit…

MAN: SETZER! The owner of the world’s fastest airship.

CELES: If we could get that airship, we’d make the Empire in no time.

LOCKE: Let’s set up a meeting…with SETZER…

The party meets with the Impresario. Together, they agree to have Celes and Maria switch places. When Setzer arrives in the middle of the opera to abduct her, she will let the others up into his airship, where they hope to convince him to join their cause.

The opera begins. All goes according to plan. In the tower scene before the climactic battle, Celes sings for her lost love, Draco.

[OOC]If you’ve never heard of or seen the Opera scene from Final Fantasy 6, seriously, click on the link. One of the greatest moments from any SNES game EVER.[/OOC]

Aria de Mezzo Caraterre.

NARRATOR: The forces of the West fell,
and Maria’s castle was taken.
Prince Ralse, of the East,
took her hand by force,
but she never stopped yearning for Draco…

CELES is standing on the set in costume, singing.

Oh my hero, so far away now.
Will I ever see your smile?
Love goes away, like night into day.
It’s just a fading dream.

I’m the darkness, you’re the stars.
Our love is brighter than the sun.
For eternity, for me there can be,
Only you, my chosen one…

Must I forget you? Our solemn promise?
Will autumn take the place of spring?
What shall I do? I’m lost without you.
Speak to me once more!

Draco appears and dances with Maria.

DRACO: Come, Maria. Follow my lead.

Draco then vanishes. Maria walks
up some stairs, holding a bouquet of flowers.

…We must part now, my life goes on.
But my heart won’t give you up.
Ere I walk away, let me hear you say
I meant as much to you….

So gently, you touched my heart.
I will be forever yours.
Come what may, I won’t age a day,
I’ll wait for you, always…

Celes throws the bouquet of flowers over the balcony.

The ploy works! Setzer arrives right on schedule, abducting Celes in the middle of the climactic battle between Ralse and Draco.

Aboard the airship, Celes lets down a rope, allowing the other members of the party to climb aboard. Together, they confront Setzer.

CELES: SETZER, we need your help. We have to go to Vector. We need
this ship to get there.

SETZER: Look, if you’re not Maria, I don’t want you aboard.

CELES: Wait! We were told your ship is the finest vessel in the

LOCKE: And that you were the world’s most notorious gambler…

EDGAR: I’m King EDGAR of Figaro. If you cooperate, you’ll be well

SETZER: Phew… The Empire’s made me a rich man.

CELES: Stop thinking of yourself. Many towns and villages have been
smashed by the Empire.

LOCKE: The Empire’s also totally rotten! It’s using magic to enslave
the world.

EDGAR: The Empire and my realm were allies…until recently.

CELES: We all hate the Empire for the same reasons. That’s why…

SETZER: You know, you’re even more stunning than Maria.

CELES: ????

SETZER: Enough! If you… If Celes becomes my wife, I’ll help.

LOCKE: WHAT! Are you stupid!?

CELES: We haven’t any choice.

SETZER: Yes! It’s settled!

CELES: But I have conditions…

CELES gets a coin from Edgar.

CELES: We’ll decide with a coin toss. If it’s heads, you’ll help us.
If it’s tails, I’ll go with you. Well, Mr. Gambler…?

SETZER: Oho! Fine! I accept!

LOCKER: Listen to yourself! CELES…you can’t become his wife! You
just can’t!

CELES: Ready?

CELES tosses the coin.

CELES: I win! Now, honor your part of the bargain!

SETZER: How…unusual! A codin with identical sides…!

SABIN: That coin…!? EDGAR!!! Don’t tell me…!

CELES: I think you’ve been hustled, Mr. Gambler.

SETZER: Ha! How low can you get?! I love it! Alright, I’ll help
you. Nothing to lose but my life… My life is a chip in your pile!
Ante up!

Together with their new ally, the party flies to the southern continent, where they sneak into Vector and infiltrate the Empire’s dreaded Magiteck Research Facility!

As they break in, however, an unlucky guard happened to run into them in the hallway. He was no match for a samurai warrior; Cyan made quick work of him.

Innocents lynch Jerle, a mafioso.


Meanwhile, deep in the Magiteck Research Facility…

KEFKA: I’m all-powerful! Hee, hee, haw! I’m collecting Espers! I’m
extracting magic! And…and…I’ll restore the statues!

Kefka laughs maniacally.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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