Blog buttons!

So I was reading my friend Gamila’s blog, and she mentioned that she made some blog buttons.  Immediately, I thought: “Cool!  I should do something like that.”

So, without further ado, I give you…blog buttons!

220x96 pixels
220x96 pixels
220x180 pixels
220x180 pixels
180x98 pixels
180x98 pixels

Post them to your blog!  Put them on your sidebar!  Attach them to your message board forum signature!  Use them as your avatar!  Write a spam virus that will…okay, don’t do that.  But seriously, if you love me, go crazy nuts and post these EVERYWHERE!

And just in case you don’t know how to put these onto your sidebar, here are some basic html instructions:

<a href=”MY URL” (that’s><img src=”BUTTON URL” (right click on the buttons above and highlight “copy image source,” then paste it inbetween the quotation marks for src=” “)></a>

Fly, my pretties!  FLY!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. You should probably make the right side darker. Otherwise, it’s hard to see the writing.

    My first reaction to the buttons when I saw them was that I liked the left side, got lost on the right and if it was a button, I would have ignored it and moved on to another one.

  2. lol! I’ve infected a new person! Yea! I’ll have to make html directions on my blog too. But I can’t do it today, because I’ve banned myself from working on my blog today. I’ve become to obsessed! So, I’ll post your button on my blog if you post mine on yours! 🙂 LOL!

    But I can’t post yours until tomorrow…I’m banned. Alas.

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