An awesome day!!!

Today was an AWESOME day for the Quark club!  We had a ton of really great activities and meetings, and it was really fun!

First, we had a book club meeting at 11…with a special guest!  Brandon Sanderson joined us to discuss his book Mistborn!  It was a lot of fun to ask him questions and hear about the way he writes his book, as well as to discuss the Mistborn universe and other stuff!  I also asked him about coming to a writing meeting, and he sounds up to it!  We’ll probably do it in the winter semester.  I’d like to hear him come speak with us about submitting and getting published.  That’s a really big step that a lot of us haven’t taken yet.

Then, we had a writing meeting right after that.  It was also a lot of fun!  We had some good turnout, reviewed some good stories, and got off on a ton of fun and interesting tangents (ok, I’m not very good at staying on topic–but at least our tangents had something to do with writing science fiction and fantasy!)  On the way out, Danke made the comment “man, every time I come out from these writing meetings, I’m always so energized and ready to go!” It was her first time submitting something to the group, and she was really nervous about it, so it was good that it turned out so well!  We had about ten people there, but with four stories and two hours, we aren’t hardly pressed for time at all, which is nice because everyone gets a chance to say what they want and we don’t have to worry about running out of time.  We actually finished early, and I think that everyone had a really good time.

Then, in the evening, we had a writing party over at Jakeson’s and Gamila’s!  It was WAY fun!  Gamila was kind enough to bake cookies for us, and we had a great time just hanging out and working on our stories for two hours.  Well, we did occasionally become unfocused, as people would get distracted and talk about other things.  But it was way fun!  And we DID focus every now and then!  At the end of the party, I figured out everyone’s wordcount, and the total collective wordcount came to 7,126!  Yeah!  I managed to get in 980 words, and I’m slowly but steadily making progress towards the part of the story where I want to be!  Yeah!

So, thanks everyone for coming and making today such a fun day!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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