Almost done!

Yay!  I’m almost done with Genesis Earth 2.0!  6k words of revision done today, bringing the project up to 95% complete.  Just the final scene of the final chapter, and then the epilogue, and she’s done!

(Well, at least the second draft is done.  She’s probably going to need a lot more work after that, but if I don’t put some distance between myself and this novel for a month or two, I’m not going to be able to see what she needs.  Still, I feel confident that this rewrite is a significant improvement from the first draft.)

The coolest thing about this revision process is that it’s actually been kind of fun.  It has involved a lot of work: hours and hours of grappling with the text to find the right way to say things, research ranging from various psychological disorders to the structure of wormholes to the composition of DNA, and lots and lots of time thinking through various aspects of the story (basically, daydreaming…but hey! it was hard work!).  But even though it was a lot of work, it was fun work and I really enjoyed it.

What’s even cooler is that I’ve got 22 beta readers lined up to read it and give me feedback–boo yah!  Inshallah I’ll be finishing the second draft tomorrow sometime and sending it out to everyone before the end of the day.  

After this project, I’ll be moving on to Bringing Estella Home.  It needs a major rehaul before I can pick it up from where I left off (the rough draft is currently incomplete), but that shouldn’t be too hard.

I put up a status bar for Bringing Estella Home on the sidebar, even though it’s stilll the rough draft.  It’s currently at 60k words, and I set 100k as the base for calculating the percentage complete.  It probably won’t be more than 100k…120k at the very most.  We’ll see how that works out.  

Currently, it’s at 0%, since I’m going to start from the very begining and rewrite it up to where I left off.  I know, everone says that’s not a good idea–and usually it is–but it’s been almost a month since I’ve worked on this project, and I need to get back into it, starting with the beginning.  

Taking a break from it for a while was a good idea, I think, because I realized things just weren’t working.  The time off helped me to step back and see what was wrong, as well as recouperate my energy and enthusiasm for the project.  I made the mistakes of simultaneously outlining too much and too little as I was still writing the rough draft; too much, because I was keeping a map of every scene on a piece of butcher paper, cementing scenes where some of them needed to be cut; too little, because I tried to create a private mercenary outfit without figuring out all the crew roles I needed the various characters to fill.  

But now, none of that is an issue, and I’m ready to get started.  Tomorrow, in fact, if all goes well.  🙂

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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