If it kills me

I will finish this novel if it kills me. At the rate things are going, it just might. Things are kind of tough for me right now.  I desperately need a new job–the one I’ve got is slowly sucking away my soul without even paying enough to get by–and job rejections are way worse than… Continue reading If it kills me

When taking a break is not enough

So these past few days, I’ve been taking an unofficial break from writing.  After I finished Mercenary Savior 3.0, I didn’t feel that the time was quite right to start my next project.  Plus, I figured that after working so hard, I kind of deserved a break. It’s been kind of weird, though.  In some… Continue reading When taking a break is not enough

Bimbos of the Death Sun by Sharyn McCrumb

It’s that time of year! Elves, Klingons, slave women, gamers, computer geeks, aspiring writers, and superfans are converging on Rubicon, the annual science fiction convention. Mild mannered citizens beware! Newest among the motley crew is Jay Omega, a young, local computer professor and first-time author on a mission: make sure that nobody he knows in… Continue reading Bimbos of the Death Sun by Sharyn McCrumb

Goal shift for Ashes

These past few weeks, I’ve been killing myself trying to write Ashes of the Starry Sea. I’ve made some good progress, as you can see on the sidebar.  Today I broke 200 pages.  Not too bad. However, the pace has just been killing me.  4k words per day is something I can do…but 4k words… Continue reading Goal shift for Ashes