Change of plans

So, it’s been two weeks since the end of Thanksgiving break, and things have changed quite a bit.  I’ve been struggling quite a bit with my story.  I could hardly get past the first chapter of the second section of the novel, and I’m at a critical point where I have to start introducing key… Continue reading Change of plans

Breaking 1,000

I broke 1,000 words today!  Yay!  That’s my daily wordcount goal from here on out, so it was good to reach it. Also, the story is coming along nicely.  I can see how my original idea for the scene that was giving me trouble just wasn’t fleshed out enough.  If I’d have gone with it,… Continue reading Breaking 1,000

A change of direction?

I had a chat with Aneeka yesterday about writing.  She was in London waiting to catch the bus to Scotland at around 4:00 am or so (jealous!), and I was winding down a frustratingly unproductive day. I told her how I’m trying to divide my attention between two different projects, and she had some interesting… Continue reading A change of direction?

Revising, outlining, and a goals adjustment

The comments on my last post were really interesting, and made me do some thinking today. When I sat down to work on Phoenix today, I decided to look at the broader picture by outlining, in two or three sentences, what is going on in each scene I’ve revised so far. As I did this,… Continue reading Revising, outlining, and a goals adjustment

Goals update…and it’s freaking late…

Man, I’ve been really bad about my writing goals this month.  I set a whole bunch of goals right as school started, and I don’t think a single day has gone by where I’ve kept all of them.  Blegh, that’s disgusting. So today I took some time to rethink things and reevaluate.  I figured that… Continue reading Goals update…and it’s freaking late…

Critical Mass

Stars form when billions of tons of gas, scattered across space in the midst of an impossibly huge nebula, gradually come together through the attractive pull of gravity.  Over the course of thousands of years, these gases slowly, almost imperceptibly come together, until they reach a critical mass.  When that critical mass is achieved, the… Continue reading Critical Mass