Character DTRs and other such stuff

Just a quick post before I go to bed. The two main characters in WAFH just had a DTR (Define The Relationship discussion) and it was, well, kind of rough.  I don’t know what’s harder: having one in real life, or writing a fictional one that actually works. I also don’t know which one I… Continue reading Character DTRs and other such stuff

Another excerpt from Genesis Earth

I made a lot of progress on the latest draft of my novel Genesis Earth last week, and figured it was time to post another excerpt.  This one comes from chapter 4, when Michael and Terra arrive at the star system they’ve been sent to explore. A slightly truncated version of this excerpt won first… Continue reading Another excerpt from Genesis Earth

WOTF rejection

So a couple days ago, I got a phone call from my Mom.  A piece of mail had come in from the Writers of the Future contest. Yeah, it was a standard form rejection. Well, everyone puts in their time.  I guess this counts toward that.  A modified version of this story did well in… Continue reading WOTF rejection

Hellish week (and I’m still crossing my fingers)

Holy cow, this week was insane.  INSANE. Two papers (13 pages and 8 pages respectively) in one week, hours and hours wrestling with Sambanis’s Civil War dataset and Excel (I wish I knew STATA–it’s so much more useful for analyzing ginormous datasets), 33 tests to grade (of which I’ve only graded about 11), peer reviewing… Continue reading Hellish week (and I’m still crossing my fingers)

Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

I am now 20% finished with Ashes of the Starry Sea. Huzzah!  The story is definitely picking up steam. In related news, my seven day totals has peaked higher than it’s been in the last two weeks, up above 17,500 words.  Inshallah, that number will rise to +24,000 befoore the end of the week. In… Continue reading Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

Many Bothans died to bring you this weekend

This past week was pretty crazy.  Tests, papers, homework…BLEARGH.  Less than satisfying.  What’s more, I was starting to get cabin fever from being in Provo so long.  Every day, doing the same old thing, going the same old places, seeing the same old sights… …Then I got a call from my friend Ben Fisher, saying… Continue reading Many Bothans died to bring you this weekend