A few interesting things

In between teaching English and putting in my daily word count (between 1k and 2k most recently), I’ve come across some interesting things worth sharing.  If you’re a fellow writer, I’m sure you’ll appreciate this stuff, but even if you’re just a reader, it’s worth checking out. First, there’s an excellent article at The Nation… Continue reading A few interesting things

Sholpan is now available for free from Amazon!

My novella Sholpan just went free on the Amazon site!  Currently it’s at the #26 spot on the science fiction –> adventure bestseller list, and ranked #1,783 free in the kindle store overall. If you’d like to check out some of my writing but haven’t gotten around to it yet, Sholpan is a good place to start.… Continue reading Sholpan is now available for free from Amazon!

Why I won’t be signing up for KDP Select

In the last couple of weeks, there’s been a lot of discussion about Amazon’s new Lending Library program.  Just a few days ago, Amazon opened it up to indie writers with the KDP Select program.  By signing up, writers gain access to Amazon Prime members (US only), where readers can borrow the book for free… Continue reading Why I won’t be signing up for KDP Select